Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Visual Food Diary

So I'm going to experiment with this and take cell phone pictures of all my meals. We'll see if this helps.Breakfast: mini whole wheat bagel w/ light laughing cow cheese wedge

Lunch and snacks for the day: baby carrots and hummus, pringles stix, amy's bean and cheese burrito w/ salsa, sugar free applesauce and pineapple.

Dinner - 5 pierogies w/ light sour cream and canned green beans. I know it looks kinda bland, but I got home pretty late tonight and I had no energy to cook so this is what Aaron made for me, lol.

Also - I snacked on some peanuts around 5 o'clock and right now I am drinking a beer. I'm just going to try and stick to proper portions and stop myself from going back for seconds/thirds, and not worry so much about counting calories. I got enough going on I don't need to needlessly add in a bunch of math to my list of responsibilities.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I suck at this

When I am doing "well" I write here more, when I'm off-track I don't, because I feel guilty. Well right now I'm feelin kinda guilty because I have not been doing well at all in the last couple weeks. Last week I had a headache that lasted damn near 5 days straight, and I did not get a single workout in. I didn't watch what I was eating either, so I'm sure I gained a couple pounds. I didn't even want to look at the scale. :(

I need to make rules for myself, and stick to them. Here's the first one, get AT LEAST 20 minutes of exercise in every day, even if it is only a leisurely walk. I have more to come, but that is the most important. I need to move more, I think if I did I also might help myself improve this headache problem I've been having.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cindy's got a big 'ol butt OH YEAH!

So I am going to have re structure my reward schedule. I absolutely NEED a new pair of jeans, ASAP. I have only one pair that fit me right now that aren't about to fall apart. I had 3 pair, but one has a giant rip in the butt and the other has thin patched around the butt which means there will be a rip in the butt soon! Why oh why do I have to have such a big butt!!! So this weekend I'm going to buy myself a new pair of jeans, because even though I plan on losing more weight, I can't wear the same pair of jeans everyday until I do.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Deja vu?

I'm down 2.9 lbs. this week. Even though I had a bad day on Wednesday and ate entirely too much chocolate. I did a lot of walking at work this week and I actually got a workout in. I'm gonna do everything I can to keep it up and not yo yo between 3 pounds forever (or gain any more!).

Saturday, October 11, 2008


So I weighed myself yesterday and I'm back where I started. I lost focus this week and I had PMS and so I gained all three lbs. back :( Whatever happens though I'm determined to not let myself keep repeating the same unhealthy patterns. I am going to weigh myself every week regardless of how "well" I think I've done the previous week, just to make sure I keep myself on track.

I need to start working out again though. I quit jazzercise because I really couldn't afford it anymore and it just wasn't working out for me. I can't afford a gym membership and the workout room in our apartment complex always has other people in it and it makes me really uncomfortable to be in there with someone else since the room is so small. I take walks in the evening but not as often as I should. :(

Monday, October 6, 2008

FAT Weekend

I don't know what it is about the weekends, they always seem to throw me off track. I didn't do very well this weekend regarding food. Although I still did better than I have in the past so progress is progress right?

Friday, October 3, 2008


One week down and I've lost 3.3 lbs.! Only 1.7 lbs to meet my first goal of 5 lb. loss! When I do that I'm gonna go out and buy myself a new sweater, a cute one that shows off my tatas!