Saturday, October 11, 2008


So I weighed myself yesterday and I'm back where I started. I lost focus this week and I had PMS and so I gained all three lbs. back :( Whatever happens though I'm determined to not let myself keep repeating the same unhealthy patterns. I am going to weigh myself every week regardless of how "well" I think I've done the previous week, just to make sure I keep myself on track.

I need to start working out again though. I quit jazzercise because I really couldn't afford it anymore and it just wasn't working out for me. I can't afford a gym membership and the workout room in our apartment complex always has other people in it and it makes me really uncomfortable to be in there with someone else since the room is so small. I take walks in the evening but not as often as I should. :(

1 comment:

Jenn M said...

There are so many things you can do at home, in your apartment that will help you lose weight.. QUICK.. and they sound so easy but trust me they aren't. I learned these things from my aerobics teacher.

1. Run in place - usually 90 seconds about 3 times. It's harder than it looks, and the higher you bring your knees the more you get out of it.
2. jumping jacks - same thing.. 90seconds at a time 3 or 4 reps.
3. Moutain climbing - where your on all fours on the floor and you keep your back straight and just move your feet.. like your climbing up a hill... super hard, will break your back.

Try those things.. and remember, you do each one 90 seconds at a time and for about 3 reps.. 5 days a week.