Friday, June 6, 2008

Drumroll please...

So here are my current stats for your viewing pleasure:

Cindy Lou Who
  • weight: 195.9
  • height: 5'7"
  • waist: 33"
  • hips: 47"
  • right thigh: 29"
  • right bicep: 13"
  • bust: 43 3/4"
(I don't care about BMI because it's a meaningless number in my opinion so I'm not putting it up here)

I've been kinda hovering over the 195 lb. mark for a while now, so I wasn't surprised to see that when I stepped on the scale this morning. I don't know if losing 10 lbs. by my birthday is super realistic anymore since I totally slacked off this week, but I'm going to aim high I guess.


Jenn M said...

Don't you DARE be pessimistic young lady! You WILL lose that 10 lbs...

It's time to get down.. (like my saying says.. you have to get down to get up).. DO IT!!!!!

CindyLou said...

I'm not being pessimistic, I just think 10 lbs in a month is pushing it. I'm not about to starve myself ya know! I'm just going to try to do the best I can.