Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Starting off well...

So yesterday I did really well on my own personal weight watcher's plan. Aaron and I went for a really nice long walk in Alum Springs Park last evening and then we came home and had lentil soup and salad for dinner. It was yum!

I've decided on rewarding myself with things along my weight loss journey. I'm really not sure what to do for my first 5 lb. loss though. I know for the 10 lb. loss I'm going to reward myself with a new pair of super cute jeans, but I don't know what to do for myself for 5 lbs. Maybe take a day off work? Hehe, I've already done that and it wasn't to reward myself, it was so I could be lazy.

I'll think of something.

1 comment:

Jenn M said...

Don't take time off of work. You'll end up sitting at home and eating more.

Reward yourself with nothing but the pure thought that you've lost 5 lbs.!!! You can do it.. Keep it up