Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Base Metabolic Rate

BMR Calculators are easy to find. Your BMR is the amount of calories your body burns when you are just lying in bed all day long, doing nothing at all. It does not take into account any activity you might be doing. In any of the calculators I've found online, my BMR is about 1500-1600 calories, daily. That just doesn't make sense to me though. According to Weight Watchers (which is supposed to be a healthy "lifestyle" plan) I'm supposed to eat about 26 points a day, which roughly translates to 1300 calories a day. If I'm supposed to be eat 1500-1600 calories just to fuel my body while I'm lying down doing nothing, how is 1300 calories going to fuel me while I'm up and about everyday working?

Well, no wonder the weight watchers plan leaves me feeling deprived. I'm basically starving myself. I guess I'm going to have to rethink my plan.


Jenn M said...

I'm sure WW has in mind that you want to lose weight, not maintain right.
So to lose 1 lbs. you have to burn 3000 calories. If your eating 1600 calories per day and burning about 2500 calories (this includes exercise) then technically you are only leaving yourself with 900 burned calories per day. Thats 1.5 lbs per week about. So, you give or take some water weight. You really would only be maintaining. So WW wants you to lose weight. I would suggest about 1400 calories a day. I know a huge step up from 1300 but every extra calorie helps.

CindyLou said...

I could be wrong here, but I think your math is a little messed up.