Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I don't really understand

Over a year ago I went to my first Weight Watcher's meeting and I was 220lbs! I've lost 25lbs since then. Although I hit that 25 lb mark last summer and haven't been able to get past it. I've lost my focus I guess. I want to lose more, but I just can't seem to say no to yummy food. I have no willpower when I am a party, or out to eat. I do fine day to day as long as I am at home and I don't have any of my "trigger foods" around, but put me out in a social situation and I am a complete pig.

1 comment:

Jenn M said...

Your not disgusted by yourself. Make sense? When you weighed 220, you were very unhappy and felt very unhealthy. Now, you've been doing weight watchers and you've hit a comfort level. It's time to stop eating that yummy food and "practically" put yourself through the misery you went through when you lost your 25 lbs before. Now just think.. you lose 25 MORE lbs then your down 50.. and thats just freaking awesome.