Monday, June 2, 2008

My Life as an In Between-y

So you see, I'm chunky enough that it's extremely hard to find clothes that fit and look good in regular stores. But I'm also not big enough to shop at plus-size stores either. Technically speaking I'm a plus size, since I wear a 16, but of all the plus size stores I've been in, they never seem to have my size in stock. Let me tell you - it's annoying.

So my goal is to get myself to a point where I can shop at a normal store. I know this may seem like a small goal, but I would like to be able to wear a size 12. I've reconciled the fact that I will never be thin. It's just not in the stars for me. I'm a "big boned" person, not to sound cliche, I just have a larger frame, I am not petite. I am also blessed with the big-ass gene. All the women in my family have big asses, and I fit right in on that end (pun intended). (Most of the women in my family have ginormous boobs too, but thankfully that gene skipped a generation with me.) So my genetics are working towards a big ass for me, there's no getting around it. Even when I was 19 and skinny-minny, I still wore a size 7 jeans, because my ass was big and round, and I even still had cellulite, so what can you do?

I figure it's good to set some small intermediate goals for yourself, to keep up the motivation so, my first goal is to lose 10lbs by my birthday, which is July 10th, a little less than 6 weeks away. I've not decided what my reward for acheiving that goal is going to be, but rest-assured, it's gonna be awesome!

Soon to come - my real life stats, that includes current weight and measurements.

1 comment:

Jenn M said...

aww.. its so pretty. I love the pink rosey color