Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well I've started my "monthly", and I really feel like eating the whole world right now. I was just watching the TV and a commercial came on for the new Wendy's Frosty Shakes, and I so totally wanted to make Aaron go out and get me one. I decided I would just hobble away from the TV instead.

I'm not sure if I should go to my Jazzercise class tonight since I hurt my ankle this morning falling down my stairs. If I go there's a possibility that I may hurt myself further, but if I stay home I will feel like crap because I really need to workout tonight. So I'm not really sure what to do.

1 comment:

Jenn M said...

Fuck those stupid Frosty shakes. They are made with real strawberries.. RIGHT.

Hey.. set yourself up with a splurge day.. which is Sunday for me (it tends to be my laziest day and I figure I won't feel guilty if I eat something bad on that day). I'm allowed 1 splurge item.. whether it be breakfast, lunch, dinner or that fucking frosty shake!