Friday, June 20, 2008

Today's weigh in

Que the sad music - 196.7. That's a gain of 1.1 lbs. It's all water weight though. That's all, nothing but water, a good cry will take care of that :(

In all seriousness though, I'm not why I gained. I did better diet/exercise wise than I did last week, so if anything I should have at least stayed the same. The only thing I can think of is that I'm having some mild digestion problems, which probably isn't helping in the least.

Ah well - today is my first day trying this "big breakfast" idea, and I just don't know if I can eat 1/2 a days worth of calories in the morning before I leave for work. First of all, I really don't have time for that, and secondly, that's just a lot of food in one sitting (not that I've never done that). I did eat a much larger breakfast today though - english muffin with a WHOLE serving of peanut butter on it, a 1/2 a cantaloupe (a small cantaloupe), and a serving of vegetarian breakfast sausage. All in all that was about 420 calories. That's more than 2x the amount I normally have for breakfast, so it's a good start. I was going to try and eat some yogurt too, but I just couldn't, I was too full, plus I needed to get my butt out the door.

1 comment:

Jenn M said...

Sounds like a yummy breakfast.

Don't worry about 1 lbs. You can lose that just by peeing! HA